Monday 24 November 2014

Module 7

Module 7
Planning an Online Marketing
  • Assignment D - Draft due in class Dec. 2, Final and blog post Due on the FINAL day of class (Dec. 15)
  • Activity: Watch the video, “The Future of Advertising”: It highlights the importance of story to any brand. How does the idea of story fit into a general online marketing plan? Did you agree with the video? Add your thoughts in a comment on my Module 7 blog post.


  1. That was a great video! The idea of a story behind a brand goes so well with online marketing, as you have so many resources to share your story, including social media, videos and blogs. Previously you just needed lots of money to get your message across, now you just need a good story! It still takes a lot of resources to create the content and share it properly, but you no longer have to have a million dollar budget to get your message across.

  2. This video definitely hit the nail on the head about marketing communication - Brand is Story via online. The "Story" begins with creating relevant content and share them, then post on media platforms (rather it is social media or traditional media) to reach the target audiences. Tag them appropriately so the contents are easy and optimize for search. Ultimately, the "Brand" image is generated, replicated and carry forward by brand advocates and its fans. All can be done without breaking the bank.


  3. I watch the video just after posting my Blog Reflection about Assignment C, and matches what I mention about the content strategy is essential in the online world. It is to generate information about what matters to our target audience, promote where they can find us in a very strategical way, and then they do the rest and spontaneously. The real key and when it is the right moment to be brilliant is when we generate the content which interest to our audience, relate it to our brand and know where to publish that content at their fingertips. In conclusion, I totally agree with this video: Brand is story

  4. A good content strategy and plan is necessary to make your brand story resonate with you target audience. It isn't enough to be witty or factual, you must also know how to distribute your message in order to properly represent your brand. The video does work well and is simple in it's approach in order to get the audiences 'feet wet'
