Monday 15 December 2014

Assignment C (Part 2) - Reflection Karl Kopan

Traditional marketing plans have been part of my past but never have they dealt with the start-up of a online business and all that entails. I kept thinking about the value of 'telling a story' when looking at the various options before me. I believe there is truth in that statement but it differed from past experiences because the online marketplace is for most marketing interconnected with traditional marketing strategies. To me there are vast differences but similarities as well. This article was helpful to my understanding of the basics:

My greatest learning experience from this is you can never have enough planning. When one idea was figured out it created another five to work through and find solutions for. Online marketing for me will always include a variety of analytics to gauge who is looking, where from, and how they are doing it and more importantly who is buying! It will also help personalize what otherwise could be a very plutonic online transaction while keeping a high level of customer service.


  1. Really like the article that you linked to Karl. Very useful.

  2. Love the infographic Karl! Good work

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