Monday 1 December 2014

Viral Ad

Viral Video Ad

How the Budweiser Super Bowl Ad embodies some of the 6 sticky principles:

  • Simplicity
The ad is clean and easy to watch - moreover, it's not cluttered with a lot of cuts or edits.
  • Unexpected
The ad is unexpected - associating beer with puppies, or even the friendship of a puppy and a horse is quite unique and out of the ordinary.
  • Emotions
Puppies, for most of us, or even small animals, pull on our emotions. The relationship bond between the puppy and the horse is also one that warms our heart. Their playfulness is true and authentic.
  • A Story
Lastly, the ad tells a story, without even discussing or brining up beer. The hashtag at the end, #bestbuds ties the whole ad together. You not only remember the story of the puppy escaping and being brought back to the farm, you also remember that they are #bestbuds.

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