Monday 1 December 2014

Viral Ad - "Unsung Hero" by Thai Life Insurance

I really enjoy this ad from Thai Life Insurance, event though I don't live there or speak (or read) the language. I do believe that this is a great video ad to analysis, especially with the reading of 6 sticky principles from "Made to Stick".

Simplicity and Stories
Although the video ad is long, but it is very simple through and through. There are very minimal words displayed and it carries the same message over and over again. Basically, the message is told through a lot of short stories piece together about 1 person's action to do give without expecting return.

Unexpectedness and Concreteness
The video portray doing good things in life, but it brings that idea to the next level. Seeing the main character doing the good things, one after another, different person or people every time.

Can't really speak to credibility about Thai Life Insurance for I know absolutely nothing about them. Even the video itself doesn't tell me much about the company. But I don't think this is the purpose of this video; it is a ad that generate interest and develop and elevate its brand image by associating with "Believe in Good".

The video definitely target people's emotion, especially when you see that this main character is not a wealthy person to begin with and still strive to do good every day. (The part that strikes home for me is when I see the little girl in school uniform.)

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