Tuesday 2 December 2014

My Mobile Strategy and Psychology - Assignment B

I use mobile devices very often, which means that happens everyday in my life, during all day. If some day I forget my cellphone at home it’s awful for me, I feel that I am missing many things happening around the world. It's my way to be connected with everything, no matter how far it is. 

The relation between my personal and professional use is 80% Vs. 20%. The highest figure corresponds to personal use.

My most enjoyable way to use my mobile devices is through Apps, and secondly for e-mails. The apps are designed for mobile devices so it’s really friendly to use it. In case of e-mails, I just answer if I need to answer really quick and be timely, but I prefer to do it on my laptop, as well as for buying, I prefer to do it from my home on my laptop. I feel more safety when I buy through my laptop and not through my  mobile. Likewise, I can see better what I am purchasing, I can research more about it, and do it in a more confortable way. I like to take my time when I am going to buy online.

The Apps that I use more are: Whatsapp, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Viber or Tango, Youtube and LinkedIn.

Whatsapp: It's is an App to chat and be connected with family and friends and with no extra fees. I can chat with all of them and I just use my data plan, and it is easy to use. Aditionally, you can make groups with specific people. For example, I have a group with my best friends: 

Twitter: I cannot live with no check Twitter, It's my best tool to be updated about everything. I think that I was using it more in my country because we always have breaking news, and this is the faster media to know about it.

Instagram and Facebook: These are my favourites Apps to be distracted, as well as Facebook. I use them when I am on the bus or subway, waiting for someone or maybe before I go to sleep. The reason? They are very visual and with direct messages, and also has videos. For example, on Instagram I follow the subjects that I like such as Home Decor, Artists, Gastronomy, Fashion, so when I check it I always find things that I like it and entertain me. ALso, on Facebook I can keep in touch with family and friends.

Viber or Tango: These are Apps to speak by phone like a regular phone like a regular phone call but with no extra fees charged. With this App I just use my data plan, and if I am at home that means that I have unlimited time to use it. This is perfect for me, because I can talk with my family and friend from Venezuela very often and no worries (Note: Jairo is my dad #lol).

Youtube: I constantly use Youtube either directly or through other apps like Facebook. I use it for specific videos or campaigns, and also for channels that I like such as Fitmencook:

In Canada, I started to use very useful Apps like Ikea, RBC and Kijiji. Also I use a lot ETS Trip Planner, but sadly they don´t have an App, I just can check it on the website and it´s not so friendly for mobile devices.

During last days, the Apps that I use more on my mobile device are for personal use than professional. But during my last job, was the opposite. I was always checking the accounts on Facebook and Twitter from the company where I was working. 

Anyway, I also use my apps to be updated about marketing and communications.

During my last day, I actually used my mobile device in all ways that I mentioned before, which is an often pattern in my everyday life. For this reason, I could say that is actually a really close reference about my general use of Mobile Devices. However, if we need the details, I could say that we need more time to define better my profile, because I also use Apps for organize my life and others that I use maybe just once a week or twice a month. These details could define the benefits or interests that I want to find through my mobile devices, among others features.

As for the conclusion of how much time I spend with my mobile device, I think it is not too much, because I do not feel that it has moved me from the real world. Conversely, this practice constantly feeds and I also have control over it. For instance, I turn off notifications from some groups of chat or Apps that I only review when I want to. In this way, I manage my time and priorities in my mobile device.

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