Tuesday 2 December 2014

Module 6 - Activity

The article I selected for the Module 6 Activity is: Your blog can attract millions of followers.

Blogging, blog, money, Rowse and Bishop are some of the key words in the wordle and they align well with the article. The article focuses on how 3 Australian bloggers are making their mark in the blog world. One takes her creativity about hair styles and turns it into a blog series and an e-book.

I found it interesting how their names, Bishop, Butcher, and Rowse, were highlighted. Seems a bit odd, however, in a narrative it isn't uncommon.

Making money, moving the blog forward into a business and capitalizing on ones love and passion are

Capitalizing on ones love and passion while moving the blog forward are ways to make money, start a new career and share a piece of you with the world.

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